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Elgin ~ St. Thomas Connects Stake Holders
St Thomas Elgin General Hospital

The St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital (STEGH) is a 166 bed facility providing comprehensive 24 hour coverage in Medicine, Surgery, OB, Paediatrics, Anaesthesia, Emergency and Family Medicine. The fully accredited hospital serves the city of St Thomas, with a population of 33 000 and the County of Elgin, with eight municipalities, totaling a catchment area of 89 000 residents.

Elgin Association for Community Living

We are a non-profit, charitable organization that provides a variety of supports and services primarily to children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families in Elgin County. We support people to live, work, learn and fully participating in the community.

Elgin-St Thomas Health Unit

The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit is dedicated to building a healthy community by promoting and supporting the health of the people who live, work and play in Elgin County through the delivery of effective public health programs and services.

Fanshawe College

Fanshawe College is committed to personal, social and economic success through quality education and learning for employment. We enrich the lives of individuals and meet the changing needs of our diverse communities. We are innovative and responsive. We promote opportunity. We are Fanshawe College.

Thames Valley District School Board

The Thames Valley District School Board is one of the largest public boards in Ontario and serves an area that spans 200 km from Rodney to Tavistock and Glencoe to Norwich, over 7,000 square kilometres.

London District Catholic School Board

The objective of the London District Catholic School Board is to develop in our students a love of God, people and self, an appreciation of prayer and a moral foundation to assist them as they journey through life.

Kettle Creek Conservation Authority

The Kettle Creek Conservation Authority (KCCA) was incorporated by an Order in Council in 1965. In partnership with its member municipalities, and the Province of Ontario, the Authority manages the natural resources of the Kettle Creek watershed and devotes itself to water and land conservation projects.

Catfish Creek Conservation Authority

Conservation Authorities, created in 1946 by an Act of the Provincial Legislature, are mandated to ensure the conservation, restoration, and responsible management of Ontario’s water, land, and natural habitats through programs that balance human and environmental needs.

Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority

The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA) is a watershed-based partner, working with the local community, providing services and information to efficiently protect and enhance the environment for present and future generations.

Long Point Regional Conservation Authority

Long Point Region Conservation Authority is located in southern Ontario on Lake Erie. This site offers information about camping, trailer parks, fishing, canoeing, hiking and biking trails, Carolinian Forests, Backus Heritage Village, environmental education, bird viewing, tourist sites, floodplains, watershed and shoreline management, and research projects.

Elgin Federation of Agriculture

The Elgin Federation of Agriculture is a local, general farm organization affiliated with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and dedicated to uniting Elgin County's farming community through grassroots leadership and cooperation to address rural concerns.


© Elgin St. Thomas Connects 2005