Nov 1 - Partner Meeting:

Thursday, Nov 1, 2001 @ St. Thomas City Hall

Present: Valerie Clark, Andy Lester, Suzanne Edwards, Brian Hollywood, George Cleminshaw, Richard Harding, Brad Hammond, Kim Eitel, Cathy Ooms, Cathy Bishop, Bobbi Irwin, Cathy Grondin, Carolyn Kneeshaw, Tom Willis, Ed Dunn, Sean Southern


  • Welcome - introduce selves and new members
  • Bell (Tom Willis) - Presentation
  • Oct 11 report (Brian Hollywood)
  • Team Leaders reports
  • Update (Donna)
    • MEST
    • Home page
    • Council meetings - Warden / Mayor
    • Workshops?
  • Structure of elginconnects
  • Jargon
  • Steering committee

    0930 - GIS Demo in planning dept.

1 New people present were: Cathy Grondin, Employment Services Elgin and Cathy Ooms who will be replacing Kim Eitel, St. Thomas-Elgin Health Unit.

2 Tom Willis of Bell Canada explained the role of Bell and its companies in the new technology economy. Bell has won the provincial electronic service delivery for the government and the federal infrastructure delivery. Bell has developed a demo 'portal' to explain what a portal is and what it can do. They would like to develop it with a community to prototype it. Bell is evolving into partnerships with community and other vendors to accomplish the 'smart community' formats.

3 Brian Hollywood of St. Thomas Energy Services Inc reported on the Oct 11 Business seminar at the Wharf. About 60 people were present and good feedback resulted. Surveys and Interviews will now be conducted by Wm Dodds & Associates of Cambridge for business input. A little confusion resulted for some as to why STESI and elginconnects presented the Oct 11 seminar together and why STESI would be worried about the County infrastructure. Brian explained that because both entities wanted to do market analysis for businesses and both were comfortable with Wm Dodds we would not duplicate the process and work together.

4 Update - Donna

  • MEST had requested the communities to complete a Gantt chart for activities and timelines. She presented a copy to everyone present.
  • The homepage is up and a few wrinkles are to be worked out. Anyone wanting to share their notes of their meetings please email to Donna until we work out how each can upload their own.
  • Donna is presenting to City council Nov 13 to thank them for their contribution and share a concise update with them. She will do the same for County council. She has asked the Warden and the Mayor to be the Champions of this effort and they have accepted. This should help us with our profile.
  • The business workshop went well. Wondering if we should follow similar formats for some other sectors, specifically the municipal sector. Donna is wanting to bring together all the governments - City, County and Lower Tiers; elected and staff - for a workshop to illustrate the desired applications for e-government. We need to get to the crux of the business plan which is to determine priorities of applications and how we are going to achieve them. Bell will do their portal demo. Bell was wondering if Amtelecom and STESI would also be there to present their involvement and partnership. Questions were asked to determine if we should open the session up for community education. Although that is extremely important our task at hand is to concretely outline the applications desired, and particularly for the e-government sector at this workshop. Donna will ask Debbie Millar from Lanark County to conduct the workshop for municipal government. Donna to determine dates and locations. The first part of December is preferred.

5. Donna stated that we needed to clarify the status of our partners as we move along in the process of governance. MEST recognizes the importance of having Bell, Amtelecom and STESI as part of our community stakeholders and recognizes the tension they feel over any conflict that may arise once RFPs are undertaken. Some communities use the language of 'vendor-partners' to differentiate. I suggest that during our process of our business plan we utilize the jargon of partners as our community stakeholders, vendor-partners to identify our infrastructure stakeholders, and construct a conflict-of-interest document. As well, as our 'partnership' expands (and we do want to be as inclusive as possible) it does create difficulty of meeting availability and timely decision making. I propose that the 'steering committee' be comprised of the coordinator, the two chief librarians and two IT technicians; also, either the Team Leaders or one person representing the teams.


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