7 - Media Conference:
Duncan McPhail. Warden, County of Elgin
Peter Ostojic, Mayor, St. Thomas
Steve Peter, MPP Elgin, Middlesex, London
Higgs, LargNet
Ed Dunn, St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital
Bobbi Irwin, Town of Aylmer
Peter Biondi, CAP Specialist, OMAFRA
Sean Southern, Foundation Networks
Suzanne Edwards, County of Elgin, IT Department
Mark Hoffman, County of Elgin, IT Dept
Carmen Gicante, Director-Business Development, Amtelecom, Inc
Cathy Bishop, Manager of Library Services, County of Elgin CDC
Jeff Witczak, Internet Administrator, Amtelecom, Inc
Terry Carroll, CEO, United Way
Val Clark, Rural Information Specialist, OMAFRA
Brian Hollywood, CEO, St. Thomas Energy Services Inc
Cindy Vienneau-Cormier, 519 Community Development, Bell Canada
Barb Farr, Business Solutions Mgr, Bell Canada
Joe Murphy, Sr. Business Solutions Mgr, Smart Communities, Bell Canada
Carolyn Kneeshaw, CEO, St. Thomas Public Library
Ryan Cox, Detachment Commander, Elgin OPP
Elaine McGregor-Morris, Chair, ECDC
Donna Lunn, elginconnects coordinator
Tom Pickard, Principal, Fanshawe College
Brad Hammond, Economic Development Officer, City of St. Thomas
Kim French, Employment Services Elgin
A great turnout for the press announcement of our partnership for Connect
Ontario funding.
Elginconnects Steering Committee Meeting
7 Meeting
Sean Southern
Suzanne Edwards
Mark Hoffman
Cathy Bishop
Joe Murphy
Jeff Witzcak
Brian Hollywood
Valerie Clark
Peter Biondi
Kim Eitel
Deb Mountenay
Carolyn Kneeshaw
Paul Giza
Gary Higgs
Ryan Cox
thanked everyone for coming to the media conference and to this first
elginconnects meeting. Newcomers were welcomed and everyone introduced
The agenda was posted and included reviewing our teams and duties of
our teams for our business plan, as well as a timeline for the projected
The timeline is enclosed.
The teams and their duties, as well as the list of team leaders is enclosed.
re-visiting our teams, duties and timelines, discussion followed to
either augment or clarify our expectations.
leaders are asked to contact their teams and conduct a meeting within
the next 2 weeks. Donna will be present at the meetings to enable a
physical link between teams as well as to clarify each teams activities.
A communication strategy will be built to enhance our efficiencies and
will include a website for our use. Each team will be asked to appoint
a reporter and will post a summary of their notes on the site.
The steering committee will meet monthly on Thursday mornings at 8 am.
The first meeting to be held on Oct 11 at 8 at the ECDC boardroom.
Donna Lunn
- focus on selection of target applications
- look closely at other models and Connect Ontario suggestions
- work closely with technical team
- compile current examples and potential uses
- analysis of possible applications and priorities
- focus on sector specific needs - more detail needed
- focus on training needs
- estimate community volume, usage, ease of interaction
- maintenance of information
- update existing data
- determine interoperability of applications and legacy systems
- work with technical consultant - for plan and costs
- determine priorities and needs of governments
- develop common service menu
- linkages to regional / provincial/ federal government services
- specific challenges and needs / opportunities / win-win
- estimated volume
- sectors -> priorities/ commonalities
Suggested timeline:
Fanshawe College Andy Lester )
Technical Sean Southern ) co-leads
Community Web Enabler Carrie Beardsley
County Cathy Bishop
Community Info Richard Harding
City Treasurer Ron Cutway (Lead)
County Treasurer Linda Veger
Municipal Rep Bobbi Irwin
Municipal councilor George Cleminshaw
Municipal World Sue Gardiner
Hospital IT Tech. Ed Dunn (Lead)
City Paul Giza
County IT Tech Suzanne Edwards
Amtelecom Inc Jeff Witzcak
LargNet Gary Higgs
Portal link Sean Southern
Economic Dev Corp Brad Hammond (Lead)
Chamber of Commerce Dave Daye
Bank Sector ?
Agriculture Sector Gayle Bogart
Tourism Jenny Philips
OMAFRA Peter Biondi
Planning Director Pat Keenan (Lead)
County Engineer Peter Dutchak
9-1-1 services Karen Dunn
Elgin OPP Ryan Cox
Conservation Authority Bryan Hall
Information Elgin Richard Harding (Lead)
United Way Terry Carroll
Local Training board Deb Mountenay
OMAFRA Val Clark
County Library Shelley Fleming
Continuing Care Access Centre Nancy Fazackerley
St. Thomas-Elgin Health Unit Kim Eitel
Assoc of Comm Living ? Tom McCallum