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The Town’s war memorial was erected and dedicated on the 25th of November, 1928.  The design, by James Hutchinson and Peckham, weighed 15 tons and was constructed from two pieces of granite purchased from the Cleveland Stone Company and shipped by the Michigan Central Railroad to Aylmer.  A special derrick was brought in to handle the work of installation.


The dedication ceremony, for some unknown reason, did not take place on the 11th of November as planned.  It occurred two weeks later with a guard of honour provided by the Elgin Regiment under the command of Captain E.W. Haines.  The precession, led by the regiment and its band, included the St. Thomas Legion Pipe Band and the Aylmer Citizen’s Band.


The King’s colours were carried by Lt. Ross McPherson and the Regimental colours by Lt. Balkwill.  A memorial guard was mounted with arms reversed.  Records indicate that over 2,000 people witnessed the event.


The inscription read, “In honoured memory of the men of Aylmer and Malahide who fought and died for King and Country in the Great War 1914-1918â€� A list of 55 names of fallen soldiers borders a weeping woman.  A copper plate was added at the bottom of the memorial shortly after the end of the Second World War listing the names of 26 area men who died.  Later, the plaque was removed and the names of the men permanently inscribed on the monument.  Recently, the words “Korean War 1950-1953â€� have been added.


The final inscription at the base of the Cenotaph reads, “Their name liveth for evermore�.

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