Directory Listing
Use the Directory Listing found on the right hand side of this
page to view a directory of Businesses and Social Services in the Elgin-St Thomas
The Directory Listing has different functions available based on your user settings. Guests
may only view listings, registered users (anyone can register, use link on far upper right
of all pages) may view and add potential listings, and Administrators may do this and
Guest User Access
Users that have not registered and logged on to the portal.
Viewing Listings: How To
Use the Category and Within Municipality dropdowns to select the area you want
your listings from and then click Listings. Clicking Listings will display a
summary list from which you may see more details on any entry.
To narrow your results further, you may look only within a Subcategory of a
Category by selecting Expand Category and switching to the subcategory
You may also run a word search. To search, select the Within
Municipality area you want to search in, type a word or words into the space provided
above Search and click Search. (Note the Enter key does not activate search;
you should click Search after typing your word)
Registered User Access
Users that have registered and logged on to the portal. Registered
users can do everything a guest user can in addition to being able to submit new entries or
suggest corrections for existing entries
Adding a Listing: How To (registed users)
If you have a listing that is not currently included in the directory, please feel free to
add it. To add your listing, click Add Listing, fill in the details, and click the
Add button at the bottom of the new listing. (This listing will then be forwarded to
the Directory Listing Administrators for review and likely public posting)
Correcting a Listing: How To (registered users)
If you see a listing you find errors or outdated information within, please feel free to
notify the Administrators of the inaccuracy. If you have a correction for an existing
listing, go to the listing details and at the bottom of the entry you will find an
Updates section, which will have a Suggested Correction field to type
your updated/corrected information in. Be sure to hit Send Correction after typing
your updates.