Every parent has a desire to relate to and be involved with their child. The children of involved parents in most cases feel more confident, assured and have good self esteem. Such kids ordinarily do well at school and with their hobbies and extracurricular activities. Can there be too much involvement? It’s essential when you’re […]
Blackheads are dark bumps that appear on the skin as a result of clogged hair follicles. They form when dead skin cells and excess sebum oxidize to create blackheads. Medical practitioners refer to them as the first phase or a mild type of acne. Most people rid of blackheads by scrubbing their face excessively in […]
Some of our best memories in life are made during childhood. This is a time where all we do is play without a care in the world. However, it can also be a time when you make the worst memories if you don’t have friends, you live in the wrong neighborhood or you don’t have […]
The average U.S. household spews 26,000 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air every year. That’s not just bad for the environment; it’s bad for your pocketbook, too. Why? The energy you’re using to create all that carbon dioxide is costing you roughly $1,400 a year. By taking some simple steps to cut carbon dioxide, […]
Your daughter or son’s pride in self is their mental underpinning. A self-assured child is assured, secure, cheerful, well-adjusted and thriving. They can work out difficulties that come their way, and do well under a loving parent’s nurturing care. What are some good techniques to improve pride in selfin your child? Most importantly, accept your […]