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Current Bid Opportunities
To view bid documents or advertisements in pdf format, click the "Bid Opportunities" link below.  We also publish the results of our bids in "Bid Results" .

Bid Opportunities

Bid Results

Welcome to the Purchasing Section of the Finance Department!

The City of St. Thomas Purchasing Department operates on the basis that competitive markets will provide us and hence the taxpayers with the best products and services available to meet our needs.

We do not discriminate in favour of any particular type of supplier. However, when examining prices, quotes and tenders, consideration is given to several factors, some of which include: price, quality, performance, services offered, delivery and so forth.

Our Purchasing Policy and Procedures are determined by the Purchasing By-Law (No. 118-2007) approved by City Council and mandatory for all City Departments.  To view our current bid opportunities please visit the Bid Opportunities link at the top of this page.  

The City of St. Thomas Purchasing Department maintains membership in the following Associations.

Ontario Public Buyers Association
The Ontario Public Buyer's Association (OPBA) is a not-for-profit volunteer organization representing purchasing professionals who spend public funds. It promotes public purchasing through a variety of initiatives and services that result in the best possible value for every tax dollar. The Ontario Public Buyer's Association website is www.opba.ca

Elgin Middlesex Oxford Purchasing Co-operative (EMOP) EMOP formed in 1998 is the result of merging the three former southwestern Ontario Purchasing Co-operatives - Elgin/St. Thomas, London/Middlesex and Oxford. EMOP now has over 40 public agencies as members.

The major Function of this organization is co-operative ventures as a means of reducing costs and services by permitting purchasing in larger volumes and at lower unit prices and by avoiding possible duplication of effort

The Purpose of this Group is to promote efficiency, economy and effectiveness in the purchasing management field by: jointly inviting tenders, standardizing specifications, exchanging market information.

A listing of all member agencies and contacts as well as EMOP's Constitution and Terms of Reference are available on the on the City of London website, under the Finance Department, Purchasing Division, www.london.on.ca.

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