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Al Jewell is an artist at heart. He is also a sign guy! Not just any signs � Perfect Signs! Al spent an hour or so with us recently reflecting on the last 20 years of his business life with humour and a certain sense of nostalgia. It seems he was destined from a young age to be in the sign business. A friend of his dad's, Paul Kettlewell, recognized the artistic flair in the young teenager and offered him a job when he was ready. Later, with proficiency in sheet metal and fabrication behind him, Al took this offer to heart. Mentored, tutored, critiqued and befriended by a combination of Paul Kettlewell, Paul Schleusner and Ken Jones, Al worked for most of the 1980's with Schleusner and Jones. In the early 1990's he bought Paul Schleusner's shares and the business officially became Al Jewell Perfect Signs.

Now, Al is sitting in his newly purchased and renovated building at 12 Barrie Blvd and notes that sign making has evolved from hand lettering wooden signs to designing, digitizing and fabricating from any number of metals, plastics and composites. A talented staff of 3 people compliments Al's business. Dave is the general sign fabricator, Mike Lewis, a 9 year employee is responsible for design / digitizing and general office management and Mary Ann Irvine supplies the accounting and bookwork.

No job is too small or too large for this quietly confident businessman. Al Jewell has put down some roots! This month, Al and his wife Donita celebrate 20 years of marriage. They have a daughter, Erica ,and you get a sense from this talented young man that all is right with the world.

Al Jewell is a sign guy! He wouldn't have it any other way.

Email: [email protected]

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