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Books for Sale at the Elgin County Public Library:


  • Tremaine's Map of the County of Elgin, 1864 $75.00
    Reproduced in atlas form on a township by township basis in 2002, this map lists property owners on each lot and contains an alphabetical index.

  • Haggan Papers Part 4a - Occasional Papers $5.00 (available on CD as a PDF file only)
    Includes genealogies of the Wrong, VanKleek, Shook, Hankinson, McConnell, Edison, Dowling, Wilson, and Saxton families, and a history of Port Burwell.

  • Haggan Papers Part 4b - Occasional Papers $5.00 (available on CD as a PDF file only)
    Contains lists of Bayham Township land owners by lot and concession, and part of a 1872 gazetteer of Elgin County.

  • Haggan Papers Part 4c - Occasional Papers $5.00 (available on CD as a PDF file only)
    Histories of Bayham and Malahide Townships Protestant churches.

  • Garrett Oakes. Tales of a Pioneer $10.00
    Garrett Oakes was one of the first settlers on the Talbot Road in Yarmouth Township (1810). In the 1870's he wrote his memoirs in the form of a series of newspaper articles. These have been reprinted and extensively footnoted. This volume provides a fascinating and detailed picture of early life in the Talbot Settlement.

  • Sims' History of Elgin County. Volume I  by Hugh J. Sims.
    Covers the communities beginning with the letters A to L.  Available on CD only as a PDF file $7.50

  • Sims' History of Elgin County. Volume II by Hugh J. Sims.
    Covers the communities beginning with the letters M to R. $7.50

  • Sims' History of Elgin County. Volume III by Hugh J. Sims.
    Covers the communities beginning with the letters S to Z. $ 7.50

Other Publications:
  • Aylmer: A Walk Through Time - $2.50
  • Belmont Beneath the Surface - $2.50

Limited quantities of publications available.

Make cheque or money order payable to:

The County of Elgin
450 Sunset Drive
St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1

Postage, Handling & Taxes:

Inside Canada: $2.00 postage & handling for first book, $1.50 for each additional book
Outside Canada: $3.00 for first book, $2.50 for each additional book.

Add 7% GST (Goods and Services Tax) (GST #R122433808)

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Email the County Archivist at [email protected]

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